How to know if a real estate agency is serious?
recognize whether a real estate agency is legitimate or not, there are three factors to which you must pay attention: that it has the necessary legal documentation of those properties that it commercializes; that it presents a minimum quality standard in the services provided; and its professionalism, that is, the treatment with the client, its effectiveness, etc.
The first and most important thing is
whether you have the necessary legal documents to operate in the market. In a purchase-sale operation, the fundamental thing is that they have the documentation of the properties they have in their portfolio: the deed of the property, the DNIs of the owners, deed of the property, tax documents, among others. This point is very important to avoid falling into fraud or businesses that work illegally.
Then, a quick way to find out if a real estate agency is serious is to observe if it reaches a minimum standard of quality. Youcan judge this from their published properties, looking if the photography is professional, if it has
premium outstanding, if it offers the plans and has a virtual tour among other things. It is not a 100% accurate indicator, but a business that shows high quality is more likely to be serious.
The last thing we recommend
you evaluate is the way of working of the real
estate agent or agents who work there. This will determine whether a real estate agency is reliable or not. At this point comes the deal with the client, formality and effectiveness to provide answers and solutions.
Keep reading if you want to know what a real estate agency needs to be enabled and know keys to realize if a business is serious or not. We will also see how to detect and avoid fraud in buying and selling houses, to avoid prices or scams.
How do I know if a real estate transaction is legal?
An easy way to make sure you are working with a legitimate business is to ask for the
necessary documents to make the purchase-sale transaction to the real estate.
To make a purchase-sale, the real estate agent must have the following documentation of the property:
- Multi-exclusivity contract of your real estate association: a legal record that the owner of the property authorizes the real estate company to sell.
- The original public deed. .
- Photocopy of the IDs of all co-owners.
- Receipt of contribution. (taxes)
- Note from the Land Registry.
- Last receipts for water, electricity, gas supplies, etc.
How to tell if a real estate agency is professional from its published properties?
If youdo not want to request the entry documentation or you are only probing possibilities, there are certain details and marks that you can observe in the properties published on the portals that will allow you to deliberate if the real estate is serious or not. These clues can
tell you if the publisher is a legitimate real estate agent and prevent you from falling into scams or dealing with unprofessional companies.
Below we will see 6 points that you should look for in a publication to know if it is reliable:
1. Premium highlight: If you see a star next to the published property or when you go to the company page you see a sign that says "advertiser premium" or "premium outstanding", that means that the real estate pays the fee to highlight their publications and can be an indication that it is a serious business.
2. Professional photo: the images of the properties must be high definition and be taken by a photographer, it is the first thing that clients see and based on that you can define the level of professionalism-
3. Video: this type of additional in the publications provides information to the person who is interested in the property and generates greater trust.
4. Virtual 360 tour: This added value is very difficult to recreate or falsify, so if the publication has a virtual tour, it is surely reliable.
6. Property plan: it is essential to have this document for a real estate transaction, that they show it in their publication is an indication that it is a real business.
Including all these sections in a real estate publication reflects a greater commitment and professionalism and in turn increases the chances of the property selling faster.
So far we have seen whatyou can observe in the publications to identify the seriousness of a business, but do not forget that you can alsofind out some data about real estate to see if it is reliable.
For references to acquaintances, look for the comments of the company in Google My Business by putting their name in the search engine and see how many properties they have published, inquire on their social networks or if it appears in a newspaper article. It is much more difficult to fall into a scam if we review these issues beforehand.
How to identify if a real estate agent is reliable?
The next thing youcan judge to see if a business is reliable is its workers. The first and most important indicator that can show you if a broker is legitimate, is to
make sure that he has a qualification enableddole to practice. In Spain it is necessary to have it to work legally according to the law.
Finally, we recommend that
you be guided by your intuition and by the assessment you make of the service you receive. See if the agent works professionally, if he is willing to solve your concerns and so on. In case something does not close you, listen to your feeling and corroborate what we mentioned above: if you have a degree and if you belong to a reliable business.
6 Things a Professional Real Estate Agent Wouldn'T Do
If you're doubting your real estate agent and aren't sure ifyou can trust him, here are 6 things a trusted seller wouldn't do:
1. Be late: it is a basic gesture that every professional must follow. If you don't approach the transaction seriously from the start, it makes sense for you to hesitate.
Delay responding: You may not be glued to the phone all day, but if it takes more than 24 hours to respond on business days you are not handling the situation seriously.
3. Go to a house without warning: whenever you are going to visit an inhabited property, the agent has to notify the owner beforehand. This small gesture avoids awkward moments for both the seller and the prospective buyer.
4. Wear inappropriate attire: You must follow a formal dress code that gives you a reliable and professional appearance. If they scheduled a meeting and he arrives with sportswear and perspired, he may not value the agreed meeting so much.
5. Pressure you: if an agent insists either that you sell or buy a property, it is because deep down he is more interested in closing the operation than the benefit of the parties.
6. Not be patient: it is normal for a potential buyer to have many concerns since he is facing an important decision, the role of your agent is to answer all of them carefully. Refusing reflects a lack of professionalism.
How to detect and avoid fraud in buying and selling houses?
To finish this tour, let's recap with a tap of the steps youcan follow to avoid falling into fraud or scams in the purchase and sale of real estate. If you're dealing with a real estate agency or broker and something doesn't inspire confidence, here are some things youcan do to make sure you're legit:
1. Applyto the property papers
2. Corroborates that the
agent has a qualifying
3. Pide references of the real estate, look at what comments your company has on Google and see how many properties you have published on the portals.
4. See if your
posts meet the quality standard mentioned above.
If they satisfactorily meet the points we mentioned, chances are you can trust them. If you still do not feel comfortable with their way of working or the service they provide,
look for another real estate agency to feel safe at all or at least to be able to compare, this feeling is fundamental when you are facing a big decision such as buying or selling a property.
We hope that these recommendations will help you to know whether or not to trust the real estate agency in your neighborhood or brokers in the area. We invite you to stay tuned to our publications to continue learning from the best guides on real estate.